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Live Longer Medical: It’s a lifestyle

Beauty, Health, Healthy Living
Health, wellness and longevity continue to be prominent factors in many peoples’ everyday lives. We continuously see advertisement and celebrity endorsements on how a single pill, or a “magic” treatment can change your body and your mind for the better....

Biologics in dermatology | Porter Premiere Dermatology

Beauty, Health
Dr. Anthony Porter has long held a passion for innovation and progress. First earning a B.S. in Engineering from the University of South Carolina, Dr. Porter worked as a nuclear engineer for seven years before choosing to return to school...

Palm Bay Memory Care

Health, People & Business
James Brassard MBA, CDP Community Relations Director James Brassard is a combat veteran who served in both Afghanistan and Iraq. After exiting the military, he continued his education, which culminated with his MBA from Florida Gulf Coast University. Throughout his...

Frank G. Ditz, MD | Family Practice of Suntree and Viera

Frank G. Ditz, MD, is a board-certified family practice physician with more than 20 years of experience. He has won many physician and patient choice awards as well as the Physician of the Year for the National Republican Congressional Committee™....

Hometown hero: The Marcus Maye Foundation

Arts & Community, From the Editor
Reggie Nelson-former Radiers Safety (far left), Derrick Jones-cornerback Houston Texans(2nd to left), Marcus Maye-Satefy Jets (center), Brian Poole-cornerback Jets (2nd to right), Jamal Dean-cornerback Buccaneers Earlier this year, the Space Coast welcomed Marcus Maye, Safety of the New York Jets...

From the Editor

Mission Accomplished

In the drama-o-meter of rocket liftoffs, Deltas have scored way up there for more than 50 years. But the last of these most metal of rockets, launched by United Launch Alliance on April 9, ultimately provided as impressive a show as its predecessors — after a not insignificant delay...

Jungle Love

Florida Institute of Technology has a secret. A secret garden, that is. The Joy and Gordon Patterson Botanical Garden has been there to wrap visitors in an oasis of calm, for decades. While it is not far geographically, it feels worlds away from traffic troubles, cell phone intrusion and all...