Meili Viera Porter MVP Sales Group




Sea Threads


The world’s first apparel line made of 100% recycled ocean plastic


Stylishly embracing the holiday season

Fashion, Holidays, Style
All I want for Christmas is to wear leopard, lace and luscious red jumpsuits. Those are just some of the elegant styles to embrace this holiday season. Before Christmas day, there are work parties to attend, Christmas get togethers, gingerbread...

Winter haircare

Beauty, Lifestyle, Style
As the temperatures begin to drop — or as is the case with Florida, the humidity — changing your hair routine becomes increasingly more important. Like with our skin, the subtle changes in temperature have dramatic effects on our hair,...

Elegant ensembles for a festive party

Beauty, Fashion, Style
When it comes to dressing up for a festive Halloween dinner party, forget about cheesy costumes, crazy colors and over the top makeup. I know as adults, especially us women, we all look forward to opportunities where we get to...

Kempf’s Jewelers: Where Business Meets Art

Fashion, Style
Kempf’s is not your typical jewelry store. Established in Brevard County in 1971 by David and Gale Kempf, Kempf’s is a family-owned-and-operated fine jeweler, where the owners take part in everything, from design, to marketing and customer relations. Many of...

Floors Get Fashionable | Island Tile & Marble

Home & Garden, Style
ISLAND TILE: STILL ON THE CUTTING EDGE OF EMERGING INTERNATIONAL TRENDS Over the past 35 years in the business, Melbourne-based Island Tile has seen many design trends come and go. But developments in digital technology have given international tile manufacturers...

How to Buy a Diamond | Wesche Jewelers

Lifestyle, Style
It’s time to buy a diamond A very emotional, yet practical decision needs to be made. Having more knowledge will help you feelmore confident as you start the search for this specialdiamond, perhaps for an engagement ring or a larger...