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Imperium Therapy Services

Health, Mental Health, Sponsored Content

Don’t let anxiety control your life! Imperium Therapy Services provides a safe, empathetic and supportive environment where you can express your thoughts and feelings without judgement and receive professional guidance with utilization of evidence-based techniques that are effective in reducing anxiety symptoms.


Courting Champions

Children, Fitness, Inspiration

Rockets fly along the Space Coast, but so do tennis balls, and plenty of them. The area is tailor-made for the sport and professionals like Harrison are all too happy to help students of the game hone their skills.


Running for life

Health, Inspiration
Running for life Tom Stokes, a 73-year-old liver transplant recipient, nears the finish-line of the Space Coast Marathon held in November. KEITH SNODGRASS Liver transplant fails to keep Melbourne athlete from crossing the finish line When it comes to encouraging...
Great Southeast Flooring America

Testing for life

Health, Space Coast Medical Report

Try as we can, we cannot escape those pesky genes we were dealt at birth.
“We are all born with a unique genetic blueprint, which lays out the basic characteristics of our personality, as well as our physical health and appearance,” award-winning author Joan D. Vinge has noted.


Cultivating Life

Eat & Drink, Healthy Living, Home & Garden, Local

Melbourne couple devotes years and passion in creating their Garden of Eden. For nearly 35 years, Bruce and Gina Ragan have enjoyed careers that engage their extreme creativity. Bruce, an iconic East Coast surfboard builder, and Gina, a talented landscape painter and photographer, the Melbourne couple share a passion for everything nature, healthy eating and self-sustainability.


Beach Patrol

Fitness, Healthy Living, Inspiration, Local, Sports

Surfriders keep Brevard coastal waters clean and healthy. When they’re not surfing, members of the local chapter are busy with monthly beach cleanups and cleaning up the berms of their adopted section of highway A1A at Sebastian Inlet.


Addressing the Health Concerns of African Americans

Health, Healthy Living
Every race or ethnic group has specific health concerns resulting from environmental and cultural factors, including lifestyle, genetics and more. But in recent years, access to care has emerged as another factor disproportionately affecting black communities and other communities of...