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Indian River Kitchen


Party Favorites

Indian River Kitchen, Local

As the holiday season unfolds, the calendar fills with opportunities for parties from Thanksgiving to New Year’s. Besides the traditional celebrations, we often forget about the gatherings in between each holiday when we need something to serve or take along other than cookies.


More pie = happier holidays

Indian River Kitchen

The kitchen has always been my laboratory. I’m endlessly curious about food and unafraid to experiment. When I eat something I love at a restaurant, I’m already cooking up the recipe in my head. Some are hits; some are misses. Thankfully, my family and friends are always happy to be my guinea pigs.


Homemade Cheer

Eat & Drink, Indian River Kitchen

My great-grandfather used those to make what he called pineapple beer. He added the pineapple peels to a jar filled with sugar and water. My Aunt Mary Ann remembers checking it with him each day, waiting for the right amount of bubbles to show it had fermented long enough…
