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Growing Stronger

Environment, Local

There are encouraging signs from the Indian River Lagoon cleanup in Brevard County: A St. Johns River Water Management District survey shows new seagrass growth in some areas.


Going native

Environment, Home & Garden

In recent years there has been a booming interest in Florida native plants. What’s the attraction? First off, they require little maintenance. There’s some TLC when they are first planted, but after that they don’t require fertilizer, trimming and very little watering.


Stormy warnings

Environment, Local

About four years ago, at the direction of regional
planners and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, coastal municipalities undertook studies to examine the long-term consequences of storm flooding and sea level rise. Even the more optimistic projections are unsettling. Many view sea-level rise as the threat from the Atlantic Ocean. However, flood maps and experts agree it is the related rising waters in the Banana River and Indian River Lagoon that pose the most threat.
