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Quick action saves stroke victim’s life | Health First

Woman credits immediate care for her survival co-owner of the Premiere Oaks 10 Theater in Melbourne, credits Health First Neurosciences with saving her life after a massive stroke. Stephanie just didn’t feel right after a walk on the beach. So,...

How to set a formal dining table

Holidays, Home & Garden
When I was a little girl growing up in Virginia, my mother sent me to Cotillion. For those that aren’t from the South, cotillion is a school where young children go to learn social manners, sometimes ballroom dancing, table etiquette,...

From the Editor

Tech upgrade

He has wrestled a steer to the ground and is a certified professional hydrologist. He worked as a bartender and holds a doctorate in civil engineering from Arizona State University.

Wild Blue Yonder

"This isn’t your momma’s airport, anymore,” says Keely Leggett, public information officer for the Melbourne-Orlando International Airport in Melbourne. The numbers back up that declaration, as a massive growth spurt has seen passenger traffic triple since 2020.