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Pet paradise

Current Issue, Local, Pets

Apollo and Artemis are two lucky dogs, for they live in the canine wonderland of the Space Coast. Several times a week, the two Basenjis enjoy a long car ride from their West Melbourne home to visit Tails at the Barkery — a dog bakery in Cocoa Village. That’s where their human, Marine veteran Ray Gallimore, indulges them with custom treats, and Elvis peanut butter, banana and bacon ice cream. 


Mouser manses

Local, People & Business, Pets

According to Britannica, “the practice of architecture is employed to fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends. Although these two ends may be distinguished, they cannot be separated.”


Strengthening the Human-Dog Bond

Pets, Sports, Travel & Outdoors
A list of sports that can help strengthen your pup and the relationship you share. Growing up, most tend to get involved with some type of sport. Soccer, football and softball are all popular choices. However, have you ever considered...

New Year’s Resolutions (For Our Pets!)

Making New Year’s Resolutions are a common practice and tradition for many. Resolutions often include “eating right,” “losing weight” and “exercising more.” These are great goals for us to achieve, but they can also be important for the health of...