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Things to do



Courting Champions

Children, Fitness, Inspiration

Rockets fly along the Space Coast, but so do tennis balls, and plenty of them. The area is tailor-made for the sport and professionals like Harrison are all too happy to help students of the game hone their skills.


Running for life

Health, Inspiration
Running for life Tom Stokes, a 73-year-old liver transplant recipient, nears the finish-line of the Space Coast Marathon held in November. KEITH SNODGRASS Liver transplant fails to keep Melbourne athlete from crossing the finish line When it comes to encouraging...

Last Look – Winter 2023

Last Look

This colorful belted kingfisher perches on a branch waiting for a small fish to swim by along Black Point Wildlife Drive in the Merritt Island National Seashore.


No pause for Claus

Holidays, Inspiration

It was 39 years ago when Willard Davis [aka Suntree Santa Claus] first wore the red suit, passed out candy and listened to children as they sat on his lap telling him their Christmas wishes.


Publisher’s Note Holiday 2022

Holidays, Publisher's Note

For the uninitiated, celebrating Christmas in Florida is a lot different than celebrating it in northern climes.
Instead of sleigh rides and strolls through snow-covered villages, we have things like boat parades and surfing Santas.


Holiday gift guide 2022


Whether you are searching for a unique handmade item, a gift for those who seek adventure, something antique or coastal themed, gift certificates for dining out, a one-of-a-kind piece of art or to purchase a gift with the goal of donating to a favorite charity, the options are endless on the Space Coast.


Perfect Combination

Home & Garden

While the land has changed since those Old Florida cowboy days and Adelaide boasts all the luxuries of a modern lifestyle, it still remains connected to its rural past.


Sounds of music

Arts & Community

Brevard, with a big heart for the arts, should enjoy 2023, thanks to cultural organizations eager to return to the way things were before the pandemic.


Works in progress

Arts & Community

Oils, watercolors, pastels, pen and ink, photography, fiber arts, jewelry, sculpture. If it is an artistic medium, Space Coast galleries probably have a show in store with them.


X Marks the Spot

Space Coast History

A little-known island sanctuary for birds in Brevard County is finally getting some recognition, thanks to the efforts of a history researcher who learned about it recently, quite by accident.

From the Editor

Tech upgrade

He has wrestled a steer to the ground and is a certified professional hydrologist. He worked as a bartender and holds a doctorate in civil engineering from Arizona State University.

Wild Blue Yonder

"This isn’t your momma’s airport, anymore,” says Keely Leggett, public information officer for the Melbourne-Orlando International Airport in Melbourne. The numbers back up that declaration, as a massive growth spurt has seen passenger traffic triple since 2020.