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Devereux Florida Celebrates 25 Years

People & Business

It is hard to believe that only twenty-five years ago there were few service options for children and teens who suffered from behavioral, emotional or developmental disorders in Florida. Finding quality services that could make the critical difference in a…


Breast Cancer Survivor: Virginia Hatcher


Virginia Hatcher, 35 “Someone sent me a quote when I was diagnosed that I have carried with me every day since then.  ‘What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us,’…


Healing & Hope


Millions of women are surviving breast cancer today thanks to early detection, advances in treatment and increased awareness. To celebrate survivors and inspire those women who are newly diagnosed, photographer Ray Baldino captured elegant portraits of breast cancer survivors. His…


In Sickness and In Health


  When Theresa Williams was diagnosed with breast cancer the week of her 50th birthday, husband Mike’s initial reaction was anger. “Of course you wonder-why her?” Mike remembers. “I was angry, how could this happen to my lovely wife, someone…


When Boring Becomes Extradordinary

Arts & Community

  By Allysar Hassan As a little girl, Carmen Beecher would walk to the nearest drug store in Dundee, FL, put 25 cents on the counter and order a banana split. The druggist would take his apron off and cross…




I received an email this week from a woman who was frustrated, struggling and ready to give up on her weight loss journey.  She was looking on the internet and just happened to read my previous post “If I Can Do…


“Life Ain’t Always Beautiful”


Rebecca Wood, editor of SpaceCoast Living Magazine, gives us a preview of what’s to come in next month’s October issue! Want to learn more about Rebecca? Check out our Q&A with her here!  Life ain’t always beautiful…But it’s a beautiful…


Steak? Piece of cake!

Eat & Drink

This past weekend my boyfriend turned 25, and I wanted to do something really special for him. He is always thoughtful and gives the BEST gifts, so it was my goal (we are fairly competitive, ok, ok—VERY competitive) to really…


Fashion Gives Florida a Fall Season

Travel & Outdoors

Connoisseur’s voyage fashion capitols all across the globe this month as designers present their Spring 2013 collections. Meanwhile, we Floridians, continue to melt beneath a reluctant heat, begging for any hint of fall. Let’s be honest, the joy of the…


Exercise Essentials


Exercise always sounds good in my head, “Oh, today I need to run 15 miles, no big deal.” (This was my exact thought just this past Sunday.).  Well, 3.5 miles into the run, 11.5 more sounded like a bigger deal…


September 2012


Features Control Results  Healthy Habits Nutrition Myths The Height Of Hydration Keep Cool   Upfronts Upfront: The Havenly Affair At Your Service: The King Center Turns 25! Arts & Entertainment: Melbourne Independent Filmmakers Festival SpaceCoast Business: Entrepreneur Of The Year…


What Should I Eat?

Eat & Drink

“What Should I Eat?” As a Registered Dietitian (RD) and Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist (LDN), I hear this question often. It’s then typically followed by… “Well, what do you eat??” I try to practice what I preach – eat high quality food…


Asian Persuasion


J.CREW recently took to the streets of Tokyo, Japan and snapped draw-dropping photos of inspiring street fashion. The photos made my mouth hit the floor and my eyes bulge out of the sockets. It’s hard for me to disagree with…


Artichoke Palm Chicken

Eat & Drink

This chicken dish combines some of my favorite ingredients. The chicken stays moist and everything combined brings out some really great flavors. I tend to keep most of these ingredients stocked in my pantry, which makes it an easy to…

From the Editor

Mission Accomplished

In the drama-o-meter of rocket liftoffs, Deltas have scored way up there for more than 50 years. But the last of these most metal of rockets, launched by United Launch Alliance on April 9, ultimately provided as impressive a show as its predecessors — after a not insignificant delay...

Jungle Love

Florida Institute of Technology has a secret. A secret garden, that is. The Joy and Gordon Patterson Botanical Garden has been there to wrap visitors in an oasis of calm, for decades. While it is not far geographically, it feels worlds away from traffic troubles, cell phone intrusion and all...