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Old World Charm in a Brand New Place

Eat & Drink

If everything that’s old is new again, then Space Coast diners are in for a wonderful surprise with the remodeling and updates that have been completed at the venerable Café Margaux in Cocoa Village. Since opening 26 years ago with…


March 2017


UpFront: Waterscapes Gallery Life in Capron Ridge | Monarch Homes Cosmetic Dermatology Beach Bites | Going Alfresco on the Beach Space Coast Watersports Home: Beacon Roof and Exterior Cleaning Florida Moving Systems Features: Dr Bassin, Family Man, Inventor, Innovator Masters…


Ride, Boat, DIG

Travel & Outdoors

Local Entrepreneur Leads By Example By Shawna Serig Kelsch Family Determinism & Optimism Front and Center Matt Kerr is a marvel: a dynamo of energy, optimism and strength – both mentally and physically. “What I’m telling you is not anything…


Florida Moving Systems

Home & Garden

Florida Moving Systems has been in Brevard since 1988 and operates out of a specially-designed 40,000-square-foot facility on North Drive in Melbourne. They built this facility with a purpose, and it has paid off with national recognition: Florida Moving Systems…


It’s Time For Your Roof Spring Cleaning

Home & Garden

Homeowners all over Brevard are in their spring cleaning mode. If you’re one so motivated, congrats, but don’t limit your efforts to the inside of your house. Consider a good exterior spring cleaning as well. Beacon Roof & Exterior Cleaning…


View From Above

Travel & Outdoors

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Space Coast Water Sports

Travel & Outdoors

The Best in America (We Think) Let’s get the obvious out of the way. Florida is predominantly water. We might be “The Sunshine State,” but whoever wrote that slogan was standing on a beach when they did. We’re not just…


Harbor Pilots

People & Business

Masters of Our Near Shore Seas By Shawna Serig Kelcsh Sitting at a waterfront restaurant at the Cove at Port Canaveral, sipping a cold beer, watching boats ferry in and out of the port is sport in Brevard. Hundreds of…


Harnessing the Creative Power of Water


For Roger Bassin, M.D., water acts as a powerful tool to help reshape and contour areas of the hips, arms, legs, breasts and tummy in a minimally-invasive procedure that uses the gentle sculpting of water-assisted liposuction. “Aqualipo® is a procedure I…


Going Alfresco on the Beach

Eat & Drink

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Cosmetic Dermatology


  An Interview with Health’s First Medical Group Dr. Larry Bishop SpaceCoast Living: Thank you for meeting with us today. We’re making March our water sports issue and to be a service to our readers, we thought we’d address personal…


Monarch Homes

People & Business

By Shawna Serig Kelsch Brian Fleis and his father, Ed Fleis, are continuing a legacy project that the two began together almost a decade ago. The elder Fleis, now 75, had already built thousands of homes in Brevard by the…


Waterscapes Gallery

Arts & Community

Jessica and Bradley Larned opened Waterscapes Gallery in downtown Melbourne about six months ago. It was a natural progression. “We are water people,” said Jessica, who grew up in Cudjoe Key, or as the locals call it, “Mile Marker 23.”…

From the Editor

Mission Accomplished

In the drama-o-meter of rocket liftoffs, Deltas have scored way up there for more than 50 years. But the last of these most metal of rockets, launched by United Launch Alliance on April 9, ultimately provided as impressive a show as its predecessors — after a not insignificant delay...

Jungle Love

Florida Institute of Technology has a secret. A secret garden, that is. The Joy and Gordon Patterson Botanical Garden has been there to wrap visitors in an oasis of calm, for decades. While it is not far geographically, it feels worlds away from traffic troubles, cell phone intrusion and all...