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Last Look – Holiday 2023

Last Look

As 2023 draws to a close and we celebrate the holiday season, may you enjoy a wonderful 2024 on the Space Coast with all its wonder and beauty, a place we are fortunate to call home.


Dog Days

Cover Story, Nonprofit spotlight, Space Coast Medical Report

If dogs could be awarded advanced degrees, Jammer would have a Ph.D. diploma hanging in his doghouse. To earn his place as a Health First facility dog, Jammer had to successfully complete intensive training at the Orlando campus of Canine Companions.


Dr. Beibei Oelrich, MD, PhD

Business, People & Business, Space Coast Medical Report, Sponsored Content

Dr. Oelrich is an internationally trained, award-winning, board-certified urologist. She has earned her PhD in Clinical Physiology and has experience as a visiting professor for the Department of Medicine at Stanford University in California. Dr. Oelrich is fluent in English, Mandarin and German. She enjoys scuba diving, hiking, biking, sailing and playing the piano.

Great Southeast Flooring America

Fast Track

Cover Story, Education

Elaine Larsen, co-founder of Larsen Motorsports, spent almost two decades blasting down quarter-mile tracks in jet dragsters that reached speeds around 300 miles per hour.


Chateau Farmer

Home & Garden, Space Coast Homes

A well-crafted house reflects the personality of the people who call it their home. The Indialantic château was the pride of Phillip and Jeanne Farmer for many years.


Glass Act

Arts & Community

Tucked in a leafy oasis within walking distance of Melbourne’s original courthouse, this is Preston Studios Central, a place where two exceptional stained-glass artists have unleashed a constantly flowing river of elegant doors, windows and lamps.


Patriots’ Place

Home & Garden, Space Coast Homes

Driving through the tree-lined streets of Indian River Colony Club, it is impossible to miss the line of mailboxes: identical and perfectly aligned, as if standing at attention.


Underwater freedom


When reflecting on her journey to become a freediver, Jennifer Morgan compares it to being a tiny fish in a big pond.

From the Editor

Best of the Space Coast 2025

Every year, we turn to the Space Coast community to vote for their favorite businesses to be named the Best of the Space Coast. We are happy to feature the winners who earned the “Best” in their categories.


Way to go!

Pet paradise

Robert Lattig | Jhany Alvarado

With over 30 years of combined experience, Robert Lattig, Senior Vice President, and Jhany Alvarado, CFP®, Senior Financial Advisor, are dedicated to delivering personalized financial solutions that empower individuals, families, and businesses to achieve their goals.