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Around the World

Home & Garden, Style

by Meaghan Branham  Earlier this year, I packed my bags and finally put my passport to use on my first-ever international trip: My first stop was Venice, followed by Paris, for a total of 10 days. After months of flipping…


Personal Grocery Shoppers

Eat & Drink

By Deb Kemps In today’s hurried times it is hard to find food products that are healthy, delicious and easy to prepare. I know I do not have the time to comb the grocery store looking for the latest and…


The Time to Shine is Now


By Jenny Norman  High school senior portraits are not what they used to be. So much has changed from the days of in-studio sessions filled with feather boas, cheesy foil backdrops and unnatural poses. Senior photography has evolved to cater…


Alpine Country | Switzerland

Travel & Outdoors

By Kathryn Varnes Switzerland is a beautiful alpine country snuggled around France, Germany and Italy. Hence, it is an ethnically diverse country, and you will hear four or more languages spoken there (English is the primary language of Geneva and…


Prescription Alternatives


When my husband and I were raising our three children, we didn’t allow them to watch TV during the week. So, to avoid the “Do as I say, not as I do” conundrum, we stopped watching too. It became a…


from the Editor | April 2018

From the Editor

Hi everyone,  Here we are again, approaching one of the Space Coast’s most popular seasons where the outside temperature is just right, the sandy beaches are fresh, and the entertainment is in ample supply. I don’t know about you, but…


Tico Warbird Airshow announces April 5 Media Day schedule


The 2017 Tico Warbird Airshow will include a Media Day, to be held Thursday, April 5, 2018, at the Valiant Air Command Warbird Museum, 6600 Tico Road, Titusville, FL 32780. The Media Day will begin at 9:00 AM and continue…

From the Editor

Mission Accomplished

In the drama-o-meter of rocket liftoffs, Deltas have scored way up there for more than 50 years. But the last of these most metal of rockets, launched by United Launch Alliance on April 9, ultimately provided as impressive a show as its predecessors — after a not insignificant delay...

Jungle Love

Florida Institute of Technology has a secret. A secret garden, that is. The Joy and Gordon Patterson Botanical Garden has been there to wrap visitors in an oasis of calm, for decades. While it is not far geographically, it feels worlds away from traffic troubles, cell phone intrusion and all...