When my husband and I were raising our three children, we didn’t allow them to watch TV during the week. So, to avoid the “Do as I say, not as I do” conundrum, we stopped watching too. It became a habit that stuck, except for sports, of course (ROLL TIDE!). That’s when I see commercials. My head especially shakes at the ones for pharmaceuticals.
Drugs have side effects. Don’t believe me? Just pay attention to the ads for them the next time you’re watching TV, reading a magazine, or listening to the radio. The list of side effects is usually longer than the benefits of the drug. One is left with more information about the possible detrimental results of taking it than the benefits.
My experience has taught me that most drugs have a non-prescription alternative that can perform the same, but without side effects. While I realize there’s a real need for pharmaceuticals in some cases, I do believe they are overprescribed, often unnecessary, and generally treat the symptom instead of the underlying cause.
I take one prescription daily – a bioidentical hormone at bedtime. Subcutaneous pellets complete the trifecta. Everything else in my daily regimen is non-prescription and is geared toward what my individual bloodwork shows is needed. There’s no guessing on what I should or should not take; labs drawn every six months indicate what tweaks and changes are needed.
Having someone on your healthcare team that thinks outside the box of traditional medicine is invaluable. If you have a physician that can’t or won’t individualize your care by operating beyond protocols and charts, or who tells you, “There is no other option,” it’s time to consider a different path. Your quality of life could depend on it.
Until next time, here’s to healthy living, and remember, you always have choices. ◆
Judy Piersall
The information in this article is intended solely as a sharing of information and knowledge based on real life experience. It is not a substitute for professional care, but a complement to it. It should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem; always consult your healthcare provider relating to any suspected health issues you
may have.