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Space Coast Medical Report


Preemptive measure

Local, Space Coast Medical Report

Memories flooded back to Anne Clayton-Orrison during the March 21 groundbreaking for the complex that will replace Health First Cape Canaveral Hospital — a place that has played a very special role throughout her life.


Experience Harmony, Experience Tao

Local, Space Coast Medical Report, Sponsored Content

Miami. Beverly Hills. Park Avenue. While these meccas of beauty and aesthetics are typically thought as the “go-to” destinations to look and feel your best — the nation’s latest, most innovative hub for wellness and aesthetics is a world away from the ordinary; yet delightfully close to home.


Care, to go

Local, Space Coast Medical Report

When Health First patient Sandra McCoy was given the choice between hospitalization or enrollment in the Hospital at Home program, the Melbourne resident said it was a no-brainer. 


Dog Days

Cover Story, Nonprofit spotlight, Space Coast Medical Report

If dogs could be awarded advanced degrees, Jammer would have a Ph.D. diploma hanging in his doghouse. To earn his place as a Health First facility dog, Jammer had to successfully complete intensive training at the Orlando campus of Canine Companions.

Great Southeast Flooring America

Dr. Beibei Oelrich, MD, PhD

Business, People & Business, Space Coast Medical Report, Sponsored Content

Dr. Oelrich is an internationally trained, award-winning, board-certified urologist. She has earned her PhD in Clinical Physiology and has experience as a visiting professor for the Department of Medicine at Stanford University in California. Dr. Oelrich is fluent in English, Mandarin and German. She enjoys scuba diving, hiking, biking, sailing and playing the piano.


Age-old battle

Space Coast Medical Report

Barbara Acree has a new face and neck, and she can thank her recalcitrant air conditioner for not having to undergo a traditional face-lift to get it.
The Melbourne resident, no stranger to Botox and dermal fillers, had reached a stage when she was seriously considering going under the knife for a face-lift.


Testing for life

Health, Space Coast Medical Report

Try as we can, we cannot escape those pesky genes we were dealt at birth.
“We are all born with a unique genetic blueprint, which lays out the basic characteristics of our personality, as well as our physical health and appearance,” award-winning author Joan D. Vinge has noted.


Battle isn’t over

Space Coast Medical Report
Battle isn’t over County health and medical personnel believe the best way to avoid the coronavirus is to follow CDC mask protocol and get vaccinated. HEALTH FIRST Medical, safety communities ramp up response as coronavirus cases rise On June 19,...