Meili Viera Porter MVP Sales Group




Fitness During the Holidays


Halloween Parties.  Thanksgiving Dinners.  Christmas Gatherings.  New Year’s Eve Bashes.  What do they all have in common?  FOOD.  And not usually of the healthy persuasion.  I used to think, “Oh well, I’ll just start fresh with diet and exercise in…


Fitness Faux Pas: Lessons from a Hot Mess


I have had some interesting, somewhat embarrassing experiences along the way, in my efforts to be active and try new things.  Of course by “somewhat embarrassing,” I mean, “I’m a hot mess.”  Read on, you’ll see. 1. Super Bowl Tumble…


Healing & Hope


Millions of women are surviving breast cancer today thanks to early detection, advances in treatment and increased awareness. To celebrate survivors and inspire those women who are newly diagnosed, photographer Ray Baldino captured elegant portraits of breast cancer survivors. His…


Breast Cancer Survivor: Virginia Hatcher


Virginia Hatcher, 35 “Someone sent me a quote when I was diagnosed that I have carried with me every day since then.  ‘What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us,’…


“Life Ain’t Always Beautiful”


Rebecca Wood, editor of SpaceCoast Living Magazine, gives us a preview of what’s to come in next month’s October issue! Want to learn more about Rebecca? Check out our Q&A with her here!  Life ain’t always beautiful…But it’s a beautiful…




I received an email this week from a woman who was frustrated, struggling and ready to give up on her weight loss journey.  She was looking on the internet and just happened to read my previous post “If I Can Do…


Exercise Essentials


Exercise always sounds good in my head, “Oh, today I need to run 15 miles, no big deal.” (This was my exact thought just this past Sunday.).  Well, 3.5 miles into the run, 11.5 more sounded like a bigger deal…


Don’t Like Your Life? Change It.


 “Do you even know where the gym is?” That was my college roommate’s response to me after I turned down yet another invitation to join her at the campus gym.  Obviously, exercise has not always been at the top of…


Definite Results? No Sweat!


You look in the mirror and know exactly which areas of Your body you want to improve. with fervor, You join a gym or hire  a personal trainer to help You make these improvements. some time into Your contract, You…


Deuk Spine Institute offers Laser Disc Repair


  Deuk Laser Disc Repair® is a novel full endoscopic, motion preserving, laser assisted, outpatient surgical procedure for the back and neck proven to safely treat herniated or bulging discs, annular tears, pinched nerves, stenosis, and symptomatic disc diseases; performed…


All About Smiles


All About Smiles by Chris Kridler Paul Ouellette’s business is about smiles, and it’s about family. The family business is aimed at making smiles shine, and the founder of Merritt Island’s Dental Specialists has passed on his love of those…


Dr. Marja Sprock


You might recognize Dr. Marja Sprock from her magazine and billboard ads. “People feel like they know me,” Sprock commented. In 2008, she moved to Brevard County and joined a local practice and then decided to open her own practice…


Skin Care Protection and Detection Month


Mama’s Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Lifeguards… Well, maybe that would be okay, but just make sure they don’t get bad sunburns along the way. May is Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Month, and the fact is…


Fun in the Sun


The 70’s iconic slogan, “a mind is a terrible thing to waste,” still holds true but sometimes what you don’t know can really hurt you- especially when it comes to skin care in the sun. That’s why Melbourne-based Absolutely Natural…


Take Heart:The Statistics of Heart Disease


  The statistics are staggering: heart disease kills more women than anything else. More than auto accidents. More than diabetes. More than cancer. Fortunately, it isn’t a hopeless fight. When caught early, heart disease doesn’t have to be the debilitating…
