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health first


90 Day Healthy, Beautiful Skin Challenge


SpaceCoast Living reader Kimberlywas up for the challenge! We asked fans of our Facebook page to send us photos of their skin concerns for a chance to look years younger in only 90 days utilizing a customized comprehensive treatment plan…


To Your Health: Women’s Joint Care


By Dr. DeLorenzi  Many of the female patients that come into the DeLorenzi Orthopaedic Center (DOC) office have various complaints about multiple joint pains. These women (often in the prime of their lives) have actually felt that they were “older”…


Fitness & Nutrition: The Gatekeepers to Healthy Living


Professionals at Health First Pro-Health & Fitness Centers weigh in on the keys to disease prevention From warding of diseases, to strengthening bones and controlling weight, to simply boosting your mood and outlook on life, there are few choices that…


Preventative Health Care on the Space Coast


According to U.S. Preventative Medicine, chronic illnesses – namely heart disease, cancer, stroke, pulmonary disease and diabetes — account for about 70 percent of all U.S. deaths and 80 percent of all health care costs for consumers, employers and government…


In Sickness and In Health


  When Theresa Williams was diagnosed with breast cancer the week of her 50th birthday, husband Mike’s initial reaction was anger. “Of course you wonder-why her?” Mike remembers. “I was angry, how could this happen to my lovely wife, someone…


Here’s to a Healthy Holiday!


By Melissa Vandett According to historians, the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621. Although we don’t know for sure what these first dinner guests consumed, history suggests it included wild fowl, seafood, venison, Indian corn and wheat flour, vegetables, fruits…

Great Southeast Flooring America

Preemptive measure

Local, Space Coast Medical Report

Memories flooded back to Anne Clayton-Orrison during the March 21 groundbreaking for the complex that will replace Health First Cape Canaveral Hospital — a place that has played a very special role throughout her life.


Care, to go

Local, Space Coast Medical Report

When Health First patient Sandra McCoy was given the choice between hospitalization or enrollment in the Hospital at Home program, the Melbourne resident said it was a no-brainer. 


Dog Days

Cover Story, Nonprofit spotlight, Space Coast Medical Report

If dogs could be awarded advanced degrees, Jammer would have a Ph.D. diploma hanging in his doghouse. To earn his place as a Health First facility dog, Jammer had to successfully complete intensive training at the Orlando campus of Canine Companions.


Chateau Farmer

Home & Garden, Space Coast Homes

A well-crafted house reflects the personality of the people who call it their home. The Indialantic château was the pride of Phillip and Jeanne Farmer for many years.


Testing for life

Health, Space Coast Medical Report

Try as we can, we cannot escape those pesky genes we were dealt at birth.
“We are all born with a unique genetic blueprint, which lays out the basic characteristics of our personality, as well as our physical health and appearance,” award-winning author Joan D. Vinge has noted.


About face

About face Evolving cosmetic procedures help keep Father Time at bay Christi Adams of Melbourne Beach appreciates the refreshed look she gets from aesthetic procedures. HEALTH FIRST Time marches on, often tromping faces in the process. Fortunately for those eager...

Battle isn’t over

Space Coast Medical Report
Battle isn’t over County health and medical personnel believe the best way to avoid the coronavirus is to follow CDC mask protocol and get vaccinated. HEALTH FIRST Medical, safety communities ramp up response as coronavirus cases rise On June 19,...