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10 Golden Rules for a Happy Marriage

Inspiration, Lifestyle
You say you are looking for or have found “The One.” Perhaps you are setting the wedding date and do not want to become a divorce statistic. You want your relationship to last. I am not an expert, but I...
Great Southeast Flooring America

A Secondhand Shop for New Beginnings | Genesis Boutique

A time capsule filled with grandma's finest clothing and jewelry. In the midst of fast fashion lies Genesis Boutique – a nonprofit organization, antique shop filled with vintage clothing, encapsulating everything from classic pieces to current trends. Often times, thrift...

Stylishly embracing the holiday season

Fashion, Holidays, Style
All I want for Christmas is to wear leopard, lace and luscious red jumpsuits. Those are just some of the elegant styles to embrace this holiday season. Before Christmas day, there are work parties to attend, Christmas get togethers, gingerbread...