Today, many families find themselves providing care for a family member — parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, even a spouse — either in their own home or their family member’s home. As a result, families may be left feeling frustrated, exhausted, absent-minded and/or short-tempered, to name a few. These families can take heart knowing there is a solution at hand to assist them in caring for their loved one.
Comfort Keepers provides services to assist individuals in their daily living activities. Their aim is to provide their clients with the highest quality of life achievable through home health care. The Comfort Keepers team ensures their clients receive optimal care from the area’s best caregivers, as well as seamless accommodation of their changing needs. Comfort Keepers works in conjunction with hospital case managers, rehab discharge planners, assisted living facilities, hospice programs, and the general public. Their clientele is primarily seniors; however, they do offer services to individuals over the age of 18 who need assistance following a surgery, the flu, a hospital visit, or those who are receiving treatments at cancer or wound care facilities. “Sometimes, you need a ‘helping hand’ to get you though whatever life changing event you are experiencing,” says owner, Pat Bell. “Aging is not the only life event individuals go through — a sickness or the happy event of a new baby can cause you to need assistance to carry on your life. If you are in the category of the ‘club sandwich’ generation, you may need help. You have your own family, your parents, and possibly your grandchildren to care for each day, plus having your own life and job.” Some of the services Comfort Keepers provides include: companionship, meal preparation, bathing (assistance with or hands on), shopping, transportation to medical appointments, laundry and changing bed linens, just to name a few. Comfort
Keepers caregivers are interactive with their clients, which helps keep loved ones more comfortable and healthy in their day-to-day lives. “Families can rest assured that we at Comfort Keepers are passionate about both our clients and the caregivers we hire to care for them. We seek to hire those who are passionate about being a caregiver,” explains Pat. Comfort Keepers caregivers go through multiple layers of screenings including, but not limited to a driver’s license check, dual background checks (with one being repeated annually), testing of their abilities, reference checks, and an overall “do I want this person taking care of my loved one or me” scenario. If you are contemplating hiring a caregiver, make sure to hire a professional team who will provide the services you, your loved one, or friend may need.
For more information, visit or call (321) 733-2787.