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space coast cancer center


High Tech Healing Environment


The use of new technology and other medical advancements have likely saved countless lives among the many other improvements made in the treatment of a broad range of cancers. Space Coast Cancer Center (SCCC) has been a leader of quality…


Space Coast Cancer Center Better Care For Cancer Patients


By Carl Kotala Lee L. Bockelman believes people should know about the great work being done at Space Coast Cancer Center. “We need to get the word out,” said the 80-year-old Palm Bay resident. Diagnosed with prostate cancer in March,…


Keeping Comfort at Home


Today, many families find themselves providing care for a family member — parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, even a spouse — either in their own home or their family member’s home. As a result, families may be left feeling frustrated, exhausted,…


Survival Stories


How others and I managed our fight against cancer and why I now like the color purple Face it with a smile I never really felt sick until New Year’s Eve, and even then I thought I had the stomach…
