From drug store to department store brands, it seems there is a “miracle” cream promising to correct any and all skin issues from winkles to sun spots. So how do you know what is truly worth spending your money on? All products are not created equal, so Dr. Anita Saluja, board-certified dermatologist with Health First Dermatology, explains the differences and what all those ingredients do.

Many women believe they are saving money when they purchase less expensive drugstore brands. What are the real differences between what you can buy at a pharmacy and the products that only a professional can provide? Dr. Saluja explains the advantages of medical grade skin care products:

  1. Their purchase almost always comes with a skin care analysis and advice from a trained skin care professional such as an aesthetician or dermatologist.
  2. There is support along the way from your skin care professional. This allows for tweaking of your skin care regimen. This is a long term relationship.
  3. The concentration of active ingredients is usually higher.  The products are highly regulated for your safety and for their effects.
  4. The ingredients and products have been well researched and studied – they are proven to work.
  5. Formulated to correct skin conditions or make a change in the structure of the skin.
  6. More confidence in your skin care products, because they have been chosen for you, will lead to better compliance and better results.

Skin Concerns:
Medical grade, at-home skincare regimens also maximize the results of your in-office treatments like peels, microdermabrasion and Dermapen.

The products are often recommended for sun protection, sun damage, wrinkles, sun spots/pigmentation issues and acne.

Examples of ingredients found in medical grade products:
Retinol or tretinoin: Research clearly shows that retinol has multiple benefits for skin including preventing wrinkles and increases collagen production. (Concentration is key to make skin cellular change)

Vitamin C: An antioxidant. “Absorption varies from product to product so proof is important,” stresses Dr. Saluja.

Screen shot 2014-10-28 at 2.14.44 PMTNS: A proprietary blend of highest concentration of anti-aging growth factors to stimulate collagen
Hydroxy acids: “The pH of product affects how well it works on skin, as does concentration,” said Dr. Saluja.

It is important to remember that no single ingredient can take care of all of the skin’s needs so particular concerns should be addressed with a professional aesthetician or dermatologist.

Health First Dermatology
YourSkinOurCare.com |  (321) 757-5141