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Home & Garden

Great Southeast Flooring America

Floors Get Fashionable | Island Tile & Marble

Home & Garden, Style
ISLAND TILE: STILL ON THE CUTTING EDGE OF EMERGING INTERNATIONAL TRENDS Over the past 35 years in the business, Melbourne-based Island Tile has seen many design trends come and go. But developments in digital technology have given international tile manufacturers...

4 Myths About Hail Damage | Hippo Roofing

Home & Garden
Florida’s weather is known for its unpredictability. Many may remember the unexpected hailstorm that blew our way back in March. Though the storm passed rather quickly, it left damage for many homeowners across Brevard County. With this in mind, it...

Succulent Pallet Wall

Home & Garden
They only require watering once the soil is completely dry, approximately once a week, and the succulents I keep on my windowsill have weathered my forgetfulness for weeks at a time. They are also able to thrive in most conditions,...

Spring Home Fashion | What’s Trending

Home & Garden
As spring begins to bloom around us, it's time to shed the jeans and jackets in favor of lighter clothes. For many of us, that means updating ourselves on the latest trends of the fashion world. The same styles that...