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Hooked on Lacrosse

Arts & Community

Sport Gaining Popularity Across the Space Coast We’ve all seen the news and heard the stories. According to the DatalysCenter (, football will account for 37% of all sports-related concussions in practice and competition. Some of us have even lived…


Resort Living Comes to West Melbourne Families

Home & Garden

  D.R. Horton’s Master-Planned Community: Sawgrass Lakes by Josh Field 7-year-old Jayden McNamara and his 5-year-old brother JJ are frolicking in the beach entry children’s splash-pad play center with their friends, all the time eying the opening of the 2-story…


Saying Their ‘I Do’s’


The Journey of Marriage is Sweeter in the Florida Tropics by Jamie Field Whether as a bridesmaid, a parent, or just a friend, being part of a young couple’s nuptials, as they officially begin a life together, is an emotional…


Dr. Roger Bassin


Husband, Father and Pioneer in Plastic Surgery At home and outside of his four plastic surgery centers, Dr. Roger Bassin could be any Space Coast husband and father, helping his son fix one of his toys or doting on his…


Dr. Roger Bassin


Husband, Father and Pioneer in Plastic Surgery At home and outside of his four plastic surgery centers, Dr. Roger Bassin could be any Space Coast husband and father, helping his son fix one of his toys or doting on his…


Dr. Cedric Chenet Promotes Optimal Comfort with Dental Implants


In the past, replacing missing or un-repairable teeth was met with limited options, including replacing the missing tooth or teeth with a fixed bridge or removable partial denture. Both of these options, though functional and aesthetically acceptable, fall short of…


Florida Sportswoman


What’s it mean to a be a Florida Sportswoman? Brittney Novalsky gives us the scoop. These women bond over more than just work, children and shopping—in fact, most of their time is spent aboard a ship and being anglers of…
