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Craig Chapman


A Stylishly Spooky Halloween Dinner

Eat & Drink

By Craig Chapman, Photographed by Craig Chapman and Ian Hunter Halloween is one of our favorite times of the year. It marks the start of the holiday season and the somewhat cool fall weather here on Florida’s Space Coast. We…


Brevard’s Growing Silver Screen

Arts & Community

By Craig Chapman Brevard County has a virtual silver screen floating over it that is swimming with acting and filmmaking talent. Let’s name just a few you may have heard of: Jorja Fox from the hugely popular CSI series, Darrell…


Bring It Home


By Craig Chapman, Photos by Craig Chapman and Ian Hunter At home weddings are one of the biggest trends this year; they are also one of the most intimate ways you can share your special day with friends, family, and…


Whites, Creams and Greens: A Neutral Color Palette


by Craig Chapman, photography by Craig Chapman and Ian Hunter Flowers are one of the most important, yet often overlooked, elements in a wedding. They can add touches of elegance and emotion to a wedding, but picking the right color…


Know Your Food Roots

Eat & Drink

  Avalon Hydroponic Farms By Craig Chapman Fresh from your local produce store is nothing like fresh from your local farm. Avalon Hydroponic Farms is literally taking a “from the ground up approach to farming.” Sherill Spaccio and partner Steve…


A Life in Seafood

Eat & Drink

Coastal Crab Company by Craig Chapman, assisted by Ian Hunter High school sweethearts Bruce and Nene Tucker never thought they would one day own their own restaurant. It was in their DNA before they even knew it, even their daughter…

Great Southeast Flooring America

Farm Fresh Latin Food

Eat & Drink

at La Estancia de Luisa Photos and copy by Craig Chapman Editorial assistance provided by Ian Hunter Upon first walking in to La Estancia de Luisa, I am brought back to my years in Brooklyn, walking by Latin catering halls…


UMAMI: Bringing ‘Real’ Sushi to Melbourne

Eat & Drink

By Craig Chapman and Ian Hunter Umami, literally translated in the Japanese language means “pleasant savory taste.” Chris Chern, owner of Melbourne’s Umami Restaurant and Sushi Bar, creates food that is nothing short of the meaning. “I’ve been here for…


Deliciously Local Gifts for Foodies

Eat & Drink

Article and photos by Craig Chapman We all have that one friend or family member these days that is obsessed with food. Food, food, food… all day long they talk about cooking it, eating it, and sharing it. So what…
