If you’re looking to get out of your comfort zone and try something new, consider crew also known as rowing. This activity can be an individual sport, but most commonly consists of a team of two, three, four, five or nine people. Crew is a great workout and is one of the few non-weight sports that works all major muscle groups. People interested in this activity will need to have core balance, physical strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance.
Space Coast Crew is a rowing club open to all Space Coast residents. Starting on July 7, they will hold an adult focused Learn to Row Camp at Oars and Paddles Park in Indian Harbor Beach. No previous rowing experience is necessary, but participants must pass a swim test and a waiver is required. The camp concludes on July 26.
Camp hours are 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. and is $150 to participate. Visit SpaceCoastCrew.org and click on “Community Rowing Program” for more information and to download registration and waiver forms. You may also call Heather Rogers at (321) 917-1856; hmr2263@gmail.com for more information.