For many, the New Year brings hope for the start or growth of a family. This can be an exciting time or it can be one filled with struggles and dismay. According to thte Web site, about 10 percent of reproductive-age couples in the U.S. will have difficulty getting pregnant. About 30 percent of the cases are due to problems with the woman, 30 percent to problems with the man and the rest to unexplained causes or multiple factors involving both partners.
If Mother Nature appears to be standing in your way, a variety of options may help.
“One of the most important keys to successful conception is simply understanding your body,” says Karen O’Quinn of Viera Fertility Center, Brevard’s only reproductive endocrinology center. “Often times, an initial consultation with the doctor can open an array of possibilities, putting women and men’s minds at ease. This alone has helped many to conceive naturally.”
Such stress can impede conception, but acupuncture may provide an answer. “We often recommend acupuncture. There are both male and female applications, and we’ve seen tremendous success with these (applications) increasing fertility,” O’Quinn says
However, there may be issues beyond the stress factor. “Once you’ve had an initial consultation, the next step is to establish a baseline of where your body is,” Quinn says.
That baseline of reproductive health includes extensive laboratory work up that takes into account one’s reproductive history, hormone levels, the quality of a woman’s eggs and other complex factors.
With a baseline established and a clear understanding of your body’s clock by patient and doctor, a specialized fertility plan can be developed to help your family grow.
So if your plans for the New Year include a new family member, research your fertility options and gain the necessary understanding to enjoy a successful pregnancy.
Why acupuncture?
According to professionals at Viera Fertility Center, reproductive acupuncture:
–Increases blood flow to the uterus and improves the chances of successful implantation
–Reduces anxiety, stress and the hormones secreted during stressful situations
–Normalizes hormone and endocrine systems that regulate ovulation
–Positively affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, which plays a key role in fertility
–Regulates the menstrual cycle