It is no secret colleges and universities can be expensive places to attend — and costs are rising, steadily. Americans owe about $1.5 trillion in student loan debt spread among 44 million borrowers, according to a recent report in Forbes. Only mortgages constitute a higher debt burden in the United States.
It is a welcome development, therefore, when business owners and other donating entities step in to help defray the cost of education. Nelson Green, owner of Great Southeast Flooring America, is one of those helping students from 10 area high schools. “Young people in our community have so much to offer, and many of them are seeking higher education,” Green said. “The educational system in Brevard County has been so helpful to us — to me, my family and many working at Flooring America — and we want to assist them in any way we can. That’s why we’re providing these scholarships. It’s the right thing to do.”
Green got the idea two years ago when he established a $1,000 scholarship for a graduate of Satellite High School planning to attend the University of Florida. Being a graduate of both institutions, it seemed like a natural fit for him. After all, Flooring America has been involved in sponsoring nearly every sporting event at Satellite High over the course of many years.
“A lot of us in the Green family attended Satellite High … my wife, Karen, my children and grandchildren,” he said. “Helping that school has always been a privilege, but we also realized the great value of the other area schools and wanted to provide some aid to those students, too.”Last year, Green offered a scholarship to a Rockledge High student as well, expanding eligibility to anyone attending any four-year college or university. This year, he has added the following high schools to the program: Bayside, Cocoa, Cocoa Beach, Eau Gallie, Merritt Island, Melbourne, Palm Bay and Viera.
Great Southeast Flooring America will award a $1,000 scholarship to a student at each of those 10 participating schools. (BAYSIDE, COCOA, COCOA BEACH, EAU GALLIE, MERRITT ISLAND, MELBOURNE, PALM BAY, ROCKLEDGE, SATELLITE AND VIERA HIGH SCHOOLS). “We recognize every contribution helps,” Green said. “By the time a student pays back each dollar of a student loan, it becomes roughly $2 with all the interest applied over time and adjusting for inflation. We want to help reduce that cost.”