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People & Business


Survivor Edition | Natasha Duran

People & Business

“The greatest mark of a survivor is how they transform despair into hope.”  “Your. Child. Is. Sick.” Four crushing words that no parent should ever have to hear. “Their condition — well, it’s life threatening.” A reality no parent should…


Survivor Edition | Karen Caruso

People & Business

“I’m a wife, a mom, a sister, a grandmother and a friend.“  The old saying goes that life can change on a dime, and for Karen Caruso, it did just that. One week in July 2017, she was living life,…


Survivor Edition | Royce Shingleton

People & Business

“The doctor did go tell my wife that they lost me on the table…“  People often ask the question, why does one person survive such a traumatic experience while someone else may not? What makes one situation and fate different from…


Survivor Edition | Cheri Lavelle

People & Business

This was her dream home and she couldn’t be happier where things were at this stage of her life.  In April 2014, Cheri Lavalle was living her life, and had recently moved into her grandfather’s house with her husband. This…


Survivor Edition | Shamika Chamberlin

People & Business

 “There’s a hole left in your soul, your heart shatters and your body goes numb.”  Kira Dunnah-Chamberlin was the most vivacious 11-year-old one could imagine. She was always active: playing soccer, basketball, and a member of the swim team. She…


Good Bones | Woof Gang Bakery

People & Business

How Woof Gang Bakery is Reimagining Pet Nutrition and Care By Carrie Stevenson For Woof Gang Bakery franchise owner Ryan Wesner, pet care is personal. Six years ago, Wesner decided to open his Lake Nona location because he was tired…

Great Southeast Flooring America

Pat Picornell | The True Pet Lover

People & Business

by Steven Hicks On a hot, pre-summer day in June, SpaceCoast Living met with Patricia (Pat) Picornell, Vice President–Wealth Management at UBS Financial Services in Melbourne. After brief introductions, Picornell tells us, “It is peaceful here. I think the environment…


K9 Kampus

People & Business

by Mallorie Ann Ingram  Things are heating up on Space Coast but cooling off at K9 Kampus with numerous developments underway to better serve the pets of Brevard.  President and CEO of K9 Kampus Sherry Acanfora-Ruohomaki is excited about the…


Growth on the Horizon

People & Business

Shoppers and diners will be in for some exciting new changes and developments at The Avenue Viera later this year. In addition, a new face will also be present within the community: General Manager Kevin Cedik. Bringing over 20 years…


The Big Shave | St. Baldrick’s Foundation

People & Business

By Michael Candelaria Space Coast Conquers is proving to be more than a great name – through community service to support the St. Baldrick’s Foundation and fight childhood cancer. The scene in March was almost historic. Certainly, it was moving,…
