Health First Trusted Care for 30 years
Meili Viera Porter MVP Sales Group




Disappearing act

Caity Savioa of the Marine Resource Council says breakwater efforts work really well in the replanting process.and laments not having enough natural shorelines left to replant.  FRED MAYS Replanting projects struggle to stem mangrove destruction Mangroves are among the most...

On with the show

Arts & Community, Local, News
The Maxwell C. King Center for the Performing Arts is welcoming full audiences after a rough 18 months dealing with pandemic restrictions. MAXWELL C. KING CENTER PHOTOS Renovated King Center welcomes back audiences with full schedule A robust schedule of...

Sharing the harvest


A harvest of veggie delights awaits at Florida Fields to Forks, an outstanding example of the Community Supported Agriculture program


Sounds of the Symphony

Sounds of the Symphony Members of the Brevard Symphony Orchestra wear masks [except for wind and brass musicians while they are playing] and are socially distanced as they perform. BREVARD SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Orchestra’s lineup features works by classical and modern...

It’s all the buzz

Home & Garden, Local, People & Business
It’s all the buzz Kontnik and Sorensen collect plenty of honey from their single hive and like to share it with neighbors and friends. FRED MAYS Backyard beekeeping can be a honey of a hobby Have you checked the price...

Struggling to survive

Struggling to survive Turkey buzzards scavenge carcasses of dead manatees in the Indian River Lagoon. Many of them are starving to death because of the lack of seagrass. PHIL STASIK Manatees starving to death in unprecedented numbers This year has...
Great Southeast Flooring America

Ready for launch

As the aerospace industry increases rocket launches into space, here’s a guide to the best places to watch these powerful light shows Spectators on the Brevard coast can get closeup views of launches from the Kennedy Space Center and Cape...