Prior to the beginning of the school year, 24 area teachers participated in a two- day workshop conducted by artist Derek Gores, a big proponent of the importance of art education. “The little sliver that was art from my school years I turned into my life,” Gores says.
“Art reaches some kids who aren’t reached in other ways. Some people think that art is a comfort food, somehow not as important as other subjects, but I tell parents that any job your kids pursue, any career they may have, they’ll perform better if they’re innovative creative thinkers — that’s what art teaches them.” (Photo: Artist Derek Gores with Chrystal Campbell.)
“Art is so important for our future leaders. To be competitive in the global market, we need leaders who can think outside the box. Art allows them to explore because there really is no right or wrong. Countries that have a high emphasis on the arts will be creating people that will be the leaders we need.”
➔ Christiane Horn
Imperial Estates, Titusville
“Because the neighborhoods many of our students come from don’t provide much beauty, art gives them that beauty. It gives them the freedom to express themselves. If they’re not good at sports, this is something they can be good
at and it brings fun into their lives.”
➔ Kathy Griffin
University Park Elementary, Melbourne
“Art teaches students to not only think creatively, but also that there can be more than one right answer. Many want to layout a direct path from
A to Z; with art, you can develop your own path. There isn’t always a formula — in art and in life.”
➔ Chrystal Campbell
Titusville High School
“Art makes you a cultural, literate, well-rounded person. We need an approach of aesthetics in our world. We need designers of all things to care about how their creations look.”
➔ Marisa Flint
Edgewood Jr./Sr. High, Merritt Island
➔ Michelle Akimenko
Sculptor Charter School, Titusville
➔ Carol Rozalski
Discovery Elementary, Palm Bay