Doctor, teacher, father. Though the still remain heroes in our eyes; however, first two titles are commendable and respectable, I’m sure our fathers would agree that they are no match to the title of “dad.” However, all three titles hold one commonality: all who hold them change lives. Doctors and teachers change the lives of others through a learned knowledge and special skillset, while fathers change the lives of others through those inner qualities – love, patience, compassion – learned in the field of life.
I’m sure many would agree that their fathers are their heroes. From a young age, children see their dads as superheroes: men who go out into the world and serve those around them. As many of us get older, our fathers we realize it has less to do with their careers, and more to do with the time spent providing for us, loving us and guiding us through life’s obstacles, while still helping the world around them.
Fathers have many qualities and can be both driven and laid back; serious and silly. This month, we celebrate fathers in our community and the special relationships they hold with their children, and we showcase their softer sides – the side to dad many of us are familiar with. These dads may not wear fancy capes and costumes, but their children still loved dressing up just like dad, their hero.