Jenna Green, a stylist at Bangz Salon in Melbourne and her husband Zach, owner of Great Southeast Flooring America
Jenna Green tells us, “My best friend’s dad and Zach’s stepfather were best friends from high school. Years later, I was roommates with Zach’s cousin, Ellen. So, I’ve always known him off and on. He even worked with my sister for a little while at Gooding’s. He was always in and out of my life.”
About 16 years ago, Jenna came back into town and was single. Zach called her and said “Hey, we’re both single finally. Can I take you out?” Their first date was on Thanksgiving. “We went to Meg O’Malley’s because they were open on Thanksgiving,” Jenna said.
“We were laughing and he said, ‘I think we should fly to Vegas and get married.’ And I said ‘We could, but I have to pick my daughter up in the morning.’ Zach said, ‘Since we’re getting married, can I kiss you?’ I said ‘Sure, you can kiss me.’ And there you go. That was the first and last date. We’ve been together 16 years, and married 11 this year.”
As to the secret of their relationship? “We have date day Friday. We take Fridays off together and we have lunch and we run errands. We try and start off at the gym, and then we pick where we’re going to go for lunch. He works a lot, I work a lot, like all families do. It’s a great day for us to kind of reconnect and just be together. That’s also our chance to try new things and new places.”
“I learned from Zach’s dad, Nelson, to try everything. As he says, ‘It’s only one meal in your entire life.’”
Have a date night to reconnect
Tracy Conner, Production Manager, SCB Marketing and her husband, Blake, Sr. Software Engineering Manager at Rockwell Collins
While it’s not uncommon for couples to have first met in college, not many can say that their love connection started in a Macroeconomics class. At the University of Central Florida (2017 College Football National Champions) in a classroom comprised of 300+ students, Tracy and Blake happen to be sitting next to each other and were assigned to the same group on that very day. Some may believe it was happenstance, but they believe the big man upstairs had much grander plans for them. While Blake transferred after his freshman year to the University of Florida, the two reconnected during their senior year. The rest is, as they say, history; after 15 years of wedded bliss they have two amazing children – Emma (12), Bryce (8) and a chocolate lab puppy, Chloe. As a family they enjoy all things sports, between their favorite collegiate, professional and children’s teams there is a always a game to be a part of or a practice to be at. Bryce juggles baseball and basketball; while Emma is strictly softball-focused, joining her first travel ball team, the Viera Pride, last year. The family is also heavily involved in their church and attributes their strong faith as the glue that holds everything together.
Faith is the glue that holds everything together
Marla Rolle, CPA at Carr Riggs & Ingram LLC and her husband, Cordell, Configuration Manager at Liberty IT solutions
Marla Rolle tells us, “The first time I met Cordell I was like, ‘Who the heck is this guy bouncing around like Tigger?’ It was like he had springs for legs, he just kept bouncing around clearly trying to be the life of the party. I worked with his best friend at the time, which he introduced me and happened to mention I was from Ohio. Cordell immediately sets in on me and starts making fun of Ohio and how it was so lame and cold. I went straight on the defensive defending my home turf. Throughout the night, we would make little comments as we passed each other. I saw he kept looking and conveniently bumping into me when I went for a drink. When I told him I was leaving, he said he’d walk me out. When we got to the door, he made another goofy remark about my home state and just when I tried to hit him with a comeback he leaned in and licked my face and slammed the door. Now we’re happily married with two boys!”
When all else fails, try a face lick