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"Grind For Life"

People & Business

By Sue DeWerff | Photo by Tim Ebaugh Photography Two-time eye cancer survivor Mike Rodgers looks much younger than his 49 years. Especially for someone who has endured endless hours of surgery and chemotherapy throughout his child and young adult years. The…


Taking Shape

Travel & Outdoors

By Sue DeWerff Surfboard Shaper Jessica Stern  Coming home with errant gobs of resin on her arms and legs and sometimes in her hair, along with sanding dust all over her face is something surfboard shaper Jessica Stern says she dislikes…


Salty & Sweet


By Sue DeWerff Satellite Beach’s Crystal Cooper’s love for surfing, fascination with clothing design, and late night conversations with her dad were just a few of the catalysts that gave birth to her company, Salty Sweet Enterprises. The surf lifestyle…


Tandem Surfing Makes a Comeback

Travel & Outdoors

 By Cindi Courbat Tandem surfing, that illustrious dance on water, is making a comeback thanks in part to an elite group of surfers here on the Space Coast. Most notably is Lance Maki, a local physician who has had such…


Florida Institute of Technology’s Surf Team

Travel & Outdoors

Surf’s Up! After placing first in the last competition of the National Scholastic Surfing Association (NSSA), the Florida Institute of Technology’s Surf Team will again take to the beach in the next NSSA competition at Bethune Beach in New Smyrna….
