Health First Advent Health Centra Care Urgent Care in Brevard County
Meili Viera Porter MVP Sales Group


Josh Field


Hot Times on the Space Coast


So as I’m writing this month’s note, I’m nursing a minor sunburn that snuck up on me while at the photo shoot for this month’s cover at the beautiful new Sawgrass Lakes community center in West Melbourne. Despite getting started…


From the Publisher – June 2016


Best of the Best On a daily basis, the staff here at SpaceCoast Living conducts business using our mission of “celebrating and inspiring the best of Brevard County.” This not only gives us purpose in how we conduct our business,…


The More Things Change…


Change is inevitable and can be scary, but perhaps not as scary as staying the same forever. Whether it’s in our business or personal lives, things are always in a constant state of movement. As we begin a new year,…
