Dr. Lindy Tolleson, D.C. is a single mother and business owner of OceanBreeze Family Chiropractic & Acupuncture. She has been practicing for six years and uses alternative therapies that have been highly effective in treating hundreds of health issues by reducing pain, muscle tension, inflammation, and nerve irritation.

Dr. Lindy listens to your individual issues and customizes your care either through chiropractic or acupuncture in order to achieve the best results for your health and healing. “For patients who don’t want to hear the popping noise from a chiropractic adjustment, I will use other delicate treatment methods that accomplish the same highly successful results,” says Dr. Lindy.

Dr. Lindy is an alumna of Logan College of Chiropractic and a member of the Florida Chiropractic Association. Whether you are in pain or just want to take the healthy path in this new year of 2014, Dr. Lindy’s Texas charm, warm smile, and caring spirit will help you feel at ease while you are in her care.





Ocean Breeze Chiropractic
3682 N. Wickham Road, Suite A, Melbourne
(321) 253-3273