Todd Pokrywa, Incoming President of The Viera Company, has raised over $10,900 for The American Cancer Society.

Viera, Fla. – Aug. 27, 2018 – Over the past two years, Todd Pokrywa, the incoming president of The Viera Company, has participated in the American Cancer Society’s Real Men Wear Pink fundraising campaign. The Viera Company has been a long-standing supporter of the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event in Viera, and each year they also throw their support behind Pokrywa. Starting his fundraising efforts early this year, Pokrywa has currently raised over $10,900 and has made the National Top 10 list of fundraisers for the 2018 campaign.

Michelle Oesterle, senior community development manager – American Cancer Society, organizes the Real Men Wear Pink fundraising event as well as the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Viera and has been working with The Viera Company and Pokrywa for many years. “It has been a pleasure to work with Todd throughout the years, so I was pleased when he committed to be a part of the Real Men Wear Pink campaign for the third year in a row,” Oesterle stated.

The Real Men Wear Pink fundraiser gives men an avenue for helping in the fight against breast cancer. Community leaders from across the nation work tirelessly to raise awareness and money for the American Cancer Society’s breast cancer initiatives. In addition to Pokrywa’s fundraising efforts, The Viera Company made another charitable donation for this year’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk scheduled for Saturday, October 27, 2018. “Todd is the man! I beamed with pride when I saw that Todd was able to put Brevard on the map by being ranked in the top 10 for this nationwide campaign,” Oesterle remarked. “We are grateful to Todd for his commitment and are honored to have his support.”

“I am proud to be among many other community leaders who are coming together to raise money for the Real Men Wear Pink campaign,” expressed Pokrywa. “As a leader in our community, I feel an obligation to take steps in helping to make a difference in the battle against this devastating disease.”

If you would like to donate to or learn more about the Real Men Wear Pink fundraiser, visit their website at Real Men Wear Pink. If you’d like to learn more about the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event or sign up for the race visit their website at Making Strides of Brevard – Event Page.

About The Viera Company
The Viera Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of A. Duda & Sons, Inc., manages commercial and residential development of DUDA’s non-agricultural property and is the developer of the master-planned community of Viera in Brevard County, Florida. The company’s integrated real estate operations include Viera Realty, Viera Builders, Viera Commercial Properties and the Duran Golf Club. The mission of The Viera Company is to create vibrant, livable communities that are built with faith, integrity and thoughtful stewardship of the land. For more information, visit