It’s a New Year and a New You!
I don’t know about you, but I’m glad to start a new year. I love the holidays, but also love the calm after the storm. So here we are, 2018 and all its potential glory. We’re not going to propose New Year’s resolutions or massive lifestyle changes. If you want to start a weight lifting program and give up coffee, chocolate and TV, that’s on you. Instead, we’re going to look inward a bit in hopes of reaching out better. I’ll explain.

L to R: Jenny Norman, Mallorie Ann Ingram, Meaghan Branham, Deb Kemps, Judy Piersall, Kathryn Varnes
We realized we have great friends with great experiences. Friends well-versed in healthy living, travel, food, fashion, home and personal development. You’ll notice I didn’t write “experts.” That’s because these people know a lot through living and are still actively experiencing, just like you. No different to be sure, just with experiences maybe more concentrated in a particular area. We’ve asked them to write our UpFront articles, starting with this month’s issue. I’ve only identified a broad topic area. The rest is up to them. I hope that as you read their articles each month, you’ll come to consider them friends as well, and look forward to their next entry. It has been a pleasure for me to read each of this month’s articles and to now share them
with you.
Enjoy… and Happy New Year!
Steven Hicks, Senior Editor