Celebrating two of the Space Coast’s grande dames

This stately Queen Anne-style home was built in the late 1800s by a Titusville resident, Capt. James Pritchard, for his family.

This stately Queen Anne-style home was built in the late 1800s by a Titusville resident, Capt. James Pritchard, for his family. After more than 130 years, it is still the place for tea parties and other events. ASHLEE NEAL


Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse and Pritchard House, two very interesting “ladies” featured in this issue, could be poster girls for aging gracefully.

Classy and classic Cocoa Village Playhouse, which turned 100 in August, is proof that having a group of great friends is good for the soul, for both people and buildings. The many fans of this Brevard icon have begun a year-long celebration of events that will culminate with an out-of-this-world fete at another Space Coast landmark, the Rocket Garden at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. You are invited to all of the festivities and Space Coast Living gives you the details. 

Looking at her, you wouldn’t think Pritchard House has clocked in more than 130 years, but, again, it helps to have friends who are intent on keeping you looking your very best. The residence of a Titusville pioneer, Capt. James Pritchard, has been lovingly maintained, first by Pritchard family members themselves and subsequently by the North Brevard Heritage Foundation, which led the efforts to assure its future when the captain’s granddaughter, Mary, sold the house she had lived in through most of her life to the county in order to save it from development. 

Talking about aging well, several of the stories in this issue showcase how Space Coast medical facilities and programs do their share to keep us healthy and, hopefully, enjoying all Brevard has to offer well into 

the future. 

Earlier this year, Health First officially broke ground on the new Cape Canaveral Hospital, located on Merritt Island. Slated for opening in early 2027, the facility incorporates the legacy of healing for which the original Cape Canaveral Hospital is known, adding a state-of-the-art campus invulnerable to the whims of storms and hurricanes.

Health First is also making news with its innovative Hospital at Home program, featured in this issue. As Dorothy Gale of Oz fame once wisely put it, there is no place like home, and that fact drives Health First’s Hospital at Home program. As you will discover in the story, the idea was born out of pandemic necessity, but has since become a trend sweeping the nation.

With summer vacation now history and schools back in session, the Space Coast heads to cooler weather [hopefully] and the buzzing activities surrounding a holiday season that will soon be here. Space Coast Living continues to celebrate the people, places and organizations that make our community special, and there is plenty of subject matter for every issue. Read on! 

See the original article in print publication

Maria Sonnenberg
professor at Florida Institute of Technology | msonnenb32904@yahoo.com

Maria is a prolific writer and proofer for Space Coast Living and an adjunct professor at Florida Institute of Technology’s Nathan M. Bisk College of Business. When not writing, teaching or traveling, she can be found waging a one-woman war against her lawn and futilely attempting to maintain order among the chaos of a pack of extremely clueless wirehair dachshunds and an angst-driven basset hound.