Brevard’s Most Adorable Pets
Lakewood’s Cash is King, or Cash
Golden Retriever, 3.5 years old, Male
Owner: Sandra Dee Russell
“He’s a pretty boy and I like to say, “the best boy ever!” He has an Instagram account at CashMcNugget_TheGolden with more followers than David and me together. He loves his obedience class and is now in advanced training. He does the ‘catch the cookie resting on the nose’ thing and loves to play ball. But his passion is the pool with his brother GusGus, and later, after enjoying the blow dryer, being an oversized lap dog with Mommy.”
Miniature Schnauzer, 1 year old, Male
Owners: Erica and Ken Lemp
“Milo is very food motivated–he adores treats, cheese, and vegetables (such as peas and cucumbers). He has never met a toy he doesn’t like, and sleeps with his toy pig, “Piggy”, every night. He likes to give high fives and shake hands. He also has an Instagram (@adventureswithmilopup) account where he likes to flirt with little girl dogs (he’s partial to toy poodles). He actually enjoys getting dressed up, and is very proud of his beard. His favorite game is “chase me around the dining room table” and his best friends are a Jack Russell Terrier named Scooter, her baby sister Bella, and his “Beard Buddy for Life”, Jim (one of his mother’s co-workers).”
Pittbull Mix, 5 years old, Female
Owner: Jayel DeMartino
“Passionate Pet Rescue & Adoption pulled her and I am fostering her for them. Bailee can sit, wave, shake paw and roll over. She is very silly and likes to roll around on her back and make snorting noises. She also loves to be chased!”
Tonka & Bozo
Cairn Terriers, 6 years old / 3 years old, Males
Owners: Rick and Cindy Kane
“Tonka loves to lizard hunt and if he has seen a lizard in a certain place then he checks that place almost every hour. Bozo loves to swim in the pool and will grab a raft from the deck and get into the water so he can ride on the raft and blow bubbles and then pop them. The two of them are like having two boys. They are jealous at times, best buddies at times and fighting at times. When we moved they immediately knew there were dogs next door, two Corgis, so they would dig under the fence to see them. After days of filling the hole and discussing with the neighbors, we decided to cut a hole in the fence that we refer to as the Portal to Paradise. The four dogs go back and forth, and now think they have two homes, the East and West Wings.”
Judo & Fenway
Boston Terriers, 2 years old, Female / 1 year old, Male
Owner: Jennifer Brannon
“Judo is the sweetest, most loving dog in the world. She loves to stand upright on her hind legs and dance around. Judo thinks she is a person and will only sleep underneath the blanket, with her head on a pillow. Fenway is just the goofiest dog. He snores, snorts like a pig and “breaks wind” a whole lot, fortunately he is so cute! Fenway will not go anywhere without his favorite toy, a pink rubber tire.
Judo and Fenway are the best of friends but they are always in competition with each other. They are fully bonded to each other and cannot leave each other’s sight. Recently, I filmed a video of them just being silly. In the video, they were attempting to eat a slug on the other other side of our sliding glass door. The video went viral, and has been featured on numerous national and international websites. They are famous pups now! Boston Terriers are very clownlike and always keep us laughing. Anyone looking to adopt a Boston Terrier should contact The Boston Terrier Rescue of Florida, they have many loving Bostons looking for their forever home. They work very hard to find the right home for each of their dogs. Find them on facebook or visit to adopt, donate or volunteer.”