As the participants of the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk put shoes to the pavement, they walk with a purpose: raising money to combat the county’s number one and number five killers, heart disease and stroke. According to the American Heart Association, more than one million walkers will participate in the 2018 Heart Walk, which has nearly 350 events nationwide. Brevard County’s Heart Walk will be at The Avenue, February 24 at 8 a.m. Walkers have the option of walking one mile or three. This event’s goal is $100,000, with $14,810 raised as of September.
Many organizations that have supported the Heart Walk over the years, such as Wuesthoff Health System. Wuesthoff has been involved with the event over the past two decades, as the organization is highly committed to the cause, given the severity of the disease and the work the American Heart Association has exerted in Brevard County.
“We’ve always been committed and will continue to be committed to give back to the community and this is one of those ways where we feel like we cannot only support a great organization that brings money back into Brevard County through charitable works, but through the works that we do every day with our talented physicians and staff,” Steward Health Care President Andy Romaine said.
For Parrish Medical Center, which has also been involved in the Heart Walk for many years, the event is an opportunity for the organization to continue to raise awareness about the important role an active lifestyle plays with regard to heart and cardiovascular health, as well as raise awareness about the phenomenal role the AHA plays in funding leading edge research that has served to advance treatment options for heart disease and stroke.
“But more importantly, the Heart Walk is always fun,” said Parrish Vice President of Operations Jeremy Bradford. “It provides an engaging way for communities, families, friends and colleagues to come together, get outdoors and have fun together. You don’t have to be an athlete or a marathon runner to reap heart-healthy rewards. Walking, biking, swimming, or simply playing on the playground for just 20 to 30 minutes a day goes a long way to supporting a healthy heart.”