Happy New Resolutions!
By Mallorie Ann Ingram
With the holidays over and a warm welcome to the new year behind us, now is the time to start talking New Year’s resolutions. We’re talking about goals, dreams, plans, big moves and the like. We all set them with the anticipation of ultimate success and growth. Can we be honest? No matter how front and center these life-altering ideas may be in our minds, often we lose sight of them and get caught in the chaos of everyday life. In fact, that may be one of your resolutions this year, to carry out and finish one! Goals can be daunting, overwhelming, and just downright difficult. Let’s make it happen by doing a little leg work. Yes, we are going to plan out the year’s plan. What I mean by this is that it’s not just about setting goals and doing them, you must do some groundwork first. Typically, goals are never achieved because we don’t plan them out properly. We must slice, dice and serve them up just right to gain a solid level of success. So, let’s get started!
2018 Goals-Make a List
- Reorganize Closet
- Lose 10 lbs.
- Eat Healthier and Cleaner
- Clean Garage: to park inside
- Time Management: Dedicate more time to friends and family
This looks standard enough, right? Now comes that slice and dice routine I was talking
about earlier.
The biggest thing you will ever do in this process is to stop and take a step back. You have five fantastic goals on paper but you must not look at the entire picture. That’s when the overwhelming dread creeps in. Instead, ask yourself an easy question: What’s my first goal’s initial task? I’m referring to the differentiation between deliverables and tasks. Cleaning out your closet is a deliverable, but removing all the shoes from the closet is a set task you must complete first. Take a look at the list again with this new thought process.
Reorganize Closet
-Remove hangers and shoes
-Place unused clothing in boxes in separate room
Lose 10 lbs.
-Walk two miles every day this week
-Cut carbs and sugar
Eat Healthier and Cleaner
-Decrease sugar intake
-Eat more fruits/veggies
Clean Garage: to park inside
-Build Shelving
-Buy storage bins
Time Management: Dedicate more time to friends and family
-Buy a planner
-Turn off phone during meals
You’re starting to get the gist of things. The secret is outlining your plan and figuring out what exactly makes up that goal. Do this, and your New Year’s resolutions will not only be achieved but will create an entirely new way of living life!