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Beachy, Boho, Chic

People & Business

Sundress Boutique at The Avenue Viera Photos by Camryn Clair Brevard’s hot and humid summertime weather coupled with our laid-back lifestyle doesn’t mean fashion has to take a backseat to comfort and function… or looking stylish. Sundress Boutique, located at…


Pizza Gallery & Grill

Eat & Drink

More Than Just Pizza, It Is Truly “Where Food Becomes Art” By Marissa Pietrobono Upon entering Pizza Gallery & Grill (PGG), your senses immediately recognize this is NOT your “Typical Pizza Place,” especially since its recent remodel. “There is a…


Sights Set on an Olympic Future

Travel & Outdoors

By Sue DeWerff From the time he took his first steps on the ice at just eight months old, Viera’s Tommy-Jo Nyman was destined to be a figure skater. Both his parents are former professional skaters and currently work as…


Staycation Guide: Viera and Suntree


Summer vacation is your chance to escape your day-to-day responsibilities and create lasting memories with the ones you love. While many may travel abroad this summer, some may not be able to get away for a major trip. This summer,…


The Warm Home of an Interior Design Artist

Home & Garden

By Jaimee Preston As the stately glass door swings open to the Hays’ Viera home, out spill Scooter and Skittles, an adorable Maltipoo and Havanese. Lisa Hays and her beloved pets convey an instant warmth and elegance that is evident…


Viera Charter School Public Lottery

Arts & Community

Brevard County Sherriff Wayne Ivey to Assist in First Ever Public Lottery for Viera Charter School on Saturday, March 2, 2013. Tremendous demand for new charter school results in more student applications than available student space. Over 1,200 student applications…
