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st. patrick’s day


March 2016


Departments Upfront: Women Who Rock Home: HGTV Comes To Town The Great Outdoors: Simple Projects to Inspire Your Garden Pay It Forward: Lola’s Gift Trends: Colors of the Year Food & Wine: Farm Fresh Latin Food at La Estancia de…


Irish Dance Master

People & Business

Dawn Schauman Brings Traditional Dances From Ireland to the Space Coast By Marissa Pietrobono Many in Brevard have become accustomed to seeing Irish dancing shows thanks to Dawn Rondeau Schauman, the instructor for the Rondeau School of Irish Dance. You…


The St. Baldrick’s Foundation’s “Big Shave”

People & Business

In just four short years, the St. Baldrick’s Foundation’s Big Shave has become the ninth highest dollar volume event in the world for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. The four-year total raised is over $815,000. Local supporters of St. Baldrick’s gather…
