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Make a Mini Pine Needle Basket at Fiber Guild Meeting

The Space Coast Weavers and Fiber Artists will meet on Saturday, August 24, at 10:00 a.m. at the Merritt Island Public Library, 1195 N. Courtenay Parkway. Fonda Haddad of Mims will present a workshop:  “Making a Mini Pine Needle Basket…


Copper as Textile at Fiber Guild Meeting

. The Space Coast Weavers & Fiber Artists will meet at 10 am on Saturday , July 27, at the Merritt Island Public Library, 1195 N. Courtenay Parkway. Following a short meeting and member Show & Tell,  Judith Schwab will…


Weaving on Ethnic Looms at Fiber Guild Meeting

The Space Coast Weavers & Fiber Artists will meet at 10 am on Saturday , June 22 at the Merritt Island Public Library, 1195 N. Courtenay Parkway. Following a short meeting, Sharon Kersten will present a program on “Weaving on Ethnic Looms”…


Teneriffe Lace at Fiber Guild Meeting

The Space Coast Weavers & Fiber Artists will meet at 10 am on Saturday , April 27, at the Merritt Island Public Library, 1195 N. Courtenay Parkway. Following a short meeting and Show and Tell, where members present all their latest…
