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Real Estate


Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group

Home & Garden

David Curri, Managing Partner, Realtor David Curri and his team have been specialists in luxury waterfront properties since 2001. His company is ranked as one of the top producing, independently owned real estate offices in south Brevard County. David grew…


Lola’s Gift

People & Business

Profits from Book Sales Donated to Fund Research for a Cure Many a parent or grandparent have sprung to action when a child or grandchild has been diagnosed with a sickness of any kind. Mitch Ribak is one of those…


SpaceCoast Living 2016 Realtor Profiles


Who’s Who in the Space Coast’s Real Estate Industry? SpaceCoast Living, Brevard County’s #1 lifestyle publication, will devote a special marketing section to profiling local Realtors in its April 2016 edition. This special section will offer real estate professionals a…


Kirk Kessel: Real Estate Entrepreneur

Home & Garden

How many people do you know who, while still in high school, got permission for an off campus lunch hour so he could inspect the work his three landscaping crews were doing while he was in British Lit.?  Or, who…
