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Home 2011


Conquering the Clutter

Home & Garden

Reclaim Your Home with Help of Professional Organizer When Belinda and Scott DeMasso moved into their new home on S. Tropical Trail in Merritt Island four years ago, Belinda intended to meet with real estate clients in her spacious office…


Tuck in Your Garden with a Blanket of Gaillardias

Home & Garden

Top Photo: Summer’s Kiss. Below: Top to Bottom; Fanfare, Oranges and Lemons, and Arizona Sun. Keeping up with the Florida heat can be challenging, fortunately the Gaillardia, aka the Indian Blanket has no trouble keeping up with what many of…


Rebuilding Home

Home & Garden

Four years ago Vinu and Manju Patel suffered a devastating loss. After lightening struck their Lansing Island home, fire destroyed nearly all their possessions. But it didn’t destroy their spirit. “God may have taken away all of our material possessions,…


Where function meets comfort


Modern Simplicity | Where function meets comfort Escape from a world of clutter with home furnishings that are as chic as they are sleek. Whether you’re ready for a complete redesign or just looking to incorporate some new pieces, consider going…
