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Eastern Florida State College

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Opens New Health Sciences Institute By: John Gilsch A new Health Sciences Institute has opened at Eastern Florida State College in a major advance for training the state’s next-generation of health care professionals. The institute is the centerpiece of the…


Stop The Bleed

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Health First is teaching the community how to save lives with free bleeding-control class By: Sara Paulson Jake Moore was among the first members of the public to take Health First’s free “Stop the Bleed” training. With plans to go…


Pain Pain Go Away

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Parrish Orthopedics Providing Comprehensive Care It’s estimated that more than 100 million Americans live with chronic pain, a persistent and oftentimes debilitating condition caused by back pain, joint pain, neck pain and severe headaches and migraines, among others. While not…


Cosmetic Dermatology

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AN INTERVIEW WITH HEALTH FIRST MEDICAL GROUP’S DR. LARRY BISHOP By: Steven R. Hicks, Ed.D May is Melanoma Month Welcome back, Dr. Bishop. In March, we discussed skin care on the water, but this time, we would like to address…


A Complex Labyrinth

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Behind-The-Scenes Medical Work Provides Critical Component for Wuesthoff Patients and Beyond HUMANITY’S DEBT TO THE LABORATORY IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CALCULATE. Labs in today’s hospitals play a considerable role in pinpointing medical issues, conducting research and even doing forensic work to…


MonaLisa Touch

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THE LASER THAT IS SAVING WOMEN’S SEX LIVES By stimulating collagen production inside the vagina, a newly FDA-approved laser is helping millions of women overcome painful intercourse. Laser treatment for the vagina might sound like torture, but, for many women,…


Business Spotlight: SpaceGirl Organics

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Eat Local, Give Local Space Girl Organics Sustains Community Supported Agriculture on the Space Coast By: Craig Chapman Eating is one of the great rewards in life. Knowing your food before you eat it is an even greater reward. Where…

Great Southeast Flooring America

Upfront: Finances

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What is your WealthConfidence Be grateful and appreciate what you currently have and how far you have come. Look at where you have been and where you are now. One way to do this is to benchmark your assets, liabilities,…


Business Profile: Bobbie Dyer

People & Business

Bobbie Dyer Division President, Dyer Mortgage Group The mortgage business is challenging, fast-paced, interesting, and rewarding. There are so many aspects to successfully operate a mortgage company that the job is never boring! Bobbie Dyer, division president of Dyer Mortgage…




13TH ANNUAL TURTLE SPLASH It’s a FUNdraiser to help local charity raise funds and awareness for important cause MELBOURNE, FL (May 1, 2017) – The M.O.R.G.A.N. Project presents their signature Annual FUNdraising event, Turtle Splash! on Saturday, July 15th at…


Mother’s Day Brunch Gives Back to the Community


Bring a box of diapers in and Moms eat free on Mother’s Day, May 14th! Viera, FL (April 28, 2017) – Pizza Gallery and Grill will be supporting Pregnancy Resources during the month of May through the “4th Annual Diaper…


May 2017


SpaceCoast Living Digital  SpaceCoast Living Health Digital UpFront Florida Tech’s Textile Art Center  Giving Them “Their Best Chance” Put The Kettle On Pastor Linda Howard  D. Rochelle Jewelry Blast Off For Team Moshi Sal The Voice  Special Olympics  Brevard Moms …


Reservations: Mothers Who Brunch

Eat & Drink

PERFECT MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH RESTAURANTS IN BREVARD Being a parent is hard work! Sometimes, the hardest work comes after work; getting everyone situated, studied, fed and into bed. Even on the weekends, mom never seems to have a day off….


One Last Question

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How better to end this month’s Mother’s Day issue than with a mom-to-be. SCB’s own Jessica Cabot is due later this month with her first. Jessica and her husband, Brandon, have just finished their nursery in anticipation, and Jessica sat…


Brevard Moms

People & Business

Jody Bargetti Profession: Mom & Emergency Room Nurse Jody Bargetti, originally from Massachusetts, is a single mom with three kids: 16-year-old Safina, 13-year-old Aaron, and 6-year-old Ava. Safina is a sophomore at Viera High. Aaron goes to McNair Magnet School…

From the Editor

Best of the Space Coast 2025

Every year, we turn to the Space Coast community to vote for their favorite businesses to be named the Best of the Space Coast. We are happy to feature the winners who earned the “Best” in their categories.


Way to go!

Pet paradise

Robert Lattig | Jhany Alvarado

With over 30 years of combined experience, Robert Lattig, Senior Vice President, and Jhany Alvarado, CFP®, Senior Financial Advisor, are dedicated to delivering personalized financial solutions that empower individuals, families, and businesses to achieve their goals.