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Identifying Behavioral Issues in the Classroom


When your child is exhibiting signs of behavioral issues or disorders at school, whether that be difficulty concentrating, distracting other children, emotional outbursts, or even aggressive behavior, your first feeling might be one of helplessness. Not knowing why they are…


Window Treatment Trends


Just as in fashion, the latest interior design trends are always changing. Some are brand new, some have come back into style after a brief hibernation, and some have stood the test of time. The details of a design plan,…


FirstWave Financial WealthCoach™ Team Expands with New Team Member


1300 Highway A1A Satellite Beach, FL 32937 · (321) 773-7773   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Jamie B. Ostrander FIRSTWAVE FINANCIAL WealthCoach™ Team Expands with New Team Member   SATELLITE BEACH, FL — October 17, 2017. FirstWave Financial is proud to welcome…


November 2017


In This Issue Julie Osborne | Shares Her Journey With Health First Cancer Institute In Every Issue From the Editor  The Buzz Upfront A Conversation with | Michael Carbonaro  Fall Home Trends | Home Decoration Tips for the Season Brevard’s…


Healthy SKIN Healthy YOU | with Brevard Skin and Cancer Center

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Brevard Skin and Cancer Center features board-certified dermatologists and experienced medical professionals dedicated to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of hair, skin and nail conditions. In the September 2015 issue of SpaceCoast Living HEALTH, we wrote, “Healthy, beautiful skin is…


Thank You For Your Service | Wickham Dental Care

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That is a phrase we hear regularly these days as civilians thank those who have served in our armed forces. We probably do not overhear it enough, but the trend is probably growing. More than just saying it, which is…

Great Southeast Flooring America

Patients First At | Merritt Island Foot and Ankle

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Merritt Island Foot & Ankle has served Merritt Island for over 30 years. Currently, Dr. Mark Beylin, Dr. Alexander San Diego, Jr., and Dr. Romain Onteniente keep two busy offices; one in Merritt Island and another in Suntree, seeing patients…


Friends, Family, Home | Victoria Landing

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Friends. Family. Home. That is what you will find when walking through the doors at Victoria Landing. Owners, John and Barbara Rumpel, as well as the entire Victoria Landing team, strive to make Victoria Landing the best it can be…in…


Vascular Vein Health | Dr. Hai Kenney

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Diseased veins can be a source of chronic discomfort, fatigue and often disability. They may hinder people from being able to be as active as they would like and it can even virtually incapacitate others, especially the elderly. Such was…


Putting The Pieces Together | One Child at A Time

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By: Steven Hicks  SpaceCoast Living has documented the journey of James and Pamela Holz for several years. We have shared with you their growth and successes with the Puzzle Box Academy, The Holz Foundation and, most recently, the opening of…


Parrish Medical Center | Welcomes New Emergency Department Director

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Gregory P. Cuculino, MD, FACEP Gregory P. Cuculino, MD, FACEP, an Emergency Room physician leader who was twice recognized as a “top doctor” while with a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania hospital system, is Parrish Medical Center’s new Emergency Department Medical Director. Cuculino…

From the Editor

Best of the Space Coast 2025

Every year, we turn to the Space Coast community to vote for their favorite businesses to be named the Best of the Space Coast. We are happy to feature the winners who earned the “Best” in their categories.


Way to go!

Pet paradise

Robert Lattig | Jhany Alvarado

With over 30 years of combined experience, Robert Lattig, Senior Vice President, and Jhany Alvarado, CFP®, Senior Financial Advisor, are dedicated to delivering personalized financial solutions that empower individuals, families, and businesses to achieve their goals.