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Romance (Writers) Abound on the Space Coast

Arts & Community
Maybe the sultry heat of the mainland — or perhaps the sensual offshore breezes — have served to nurture the abundance of successful romance novelists who call the Space Coast home, because there certainly is no shortage of locals delighting...

Makeup Lessons with Darcy Manning

Beauty, From the Editor, Lifestyle
I recently had the luxury of an afternoon spoil session with Darcy Manning, who owns DarcyMM Makeup Artistry and is busy tending to the business professionals, brides and lucky ladies on the Space Coast able to book into her calendar....

Hot Cocoa Bombs

Children, Eat & Drink, Holidays
As cooler nights prevail along the Space Coast, we’re sweetly surrendering to the cozy comfort of Hot Cocoa Bombs, which can be customized to your level of chocolate love, and quickly assembled for family & friends. These yummy, decadent, steamy...
Great Southeast Flooring America

Addressing the Health Concerns of African Americans

Health, Healthy Living
Every race or ethnic group has specific health concerns resulting from environmental and cultural factors, including lifestyle, genetics and more. But in recent years, access to care has emerged as another factor disproportionately affecting black communities and other communities of...

From the Editor

Best of the Space Coast 2025

Every year, we turn to the Space Coast community to vote for their favorite businesses to be named the Best of the Space Coast. We are happy to feature the winners who earned the “Best” in their categories.


Way to go!

Pet paradise

Robert Lattig | Jhany Alvarado

With over 30 years of combined experience, Robert Lattig, Senior Vice President, and Jhany Alvarado, CFP®, Senior Financial Advisor, are dedicated to delivering personalized financial solutions that empower individuals, families, and businesses to achieve their goals.