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Claws for celebration


There’s nothing more satisfying than sitting down and enjoying stone crabs that were caught the same day.


About face

About face Evolving cosmetic procedures help keep Father Time at bay Christi Adams of Melbourne Beach appreciates the refreshed look she gets from aesthetic procedures. HEALTH FIRST Time marches on, often tromping faces in the process. Fortunately for those eager...

Paddle power

Travel & Outdoors
Paddle power Karen McLaughlin, left, owner of Karen’s Kayaks, launches one of her eco tours out of Honest John’s Fish Camp, off A1A in south Melbourne Beach, where, she says, there is more marine life and the lagoon’s water quality...

Planting the seeds

Planting the seeds Thacker's relaxed atmosphere and open-air classroom attracts families every Monday afternoon at Banana River Yard in Satellite Beach. MICHAEL R. BROWN PHOTOS Nursery’s innovative program cultivates future nature lovers By Cynthia Van Gaasbeck Catherine Chickowski bites through...

It’s all the buzz

Home & Garden, Local, People & Business
It’s all the buzz Kontnik and Sorensen collect plenty of honey from their single hive and like to share it with neighbors and friends. FRED MAYS Backyard beekeeping can be a honey of a hobby Have you checked the price...
Great Southeast Flooring America

Toast to the town

Eat & Drink
Toast to the town Oceanside Distillery, which produces four kinds of liquor, officially opened May 27. STEVEN R. HICKS PHOTOS New Cape Canaveral distillery pays homage to its local roots The story of Brevard’s first spirits distillery doesn’t include 100-year-old...

Bahamian bowlful

Eat & Drink

A combination of conch, spices and vegetables makes for a delicious chowder


Battle isn’t over

Space Coast Medical Report
Battle isn’t over County health and medical personnel believe the best way to avoid the coronavirus is to follow CDC mask protocol and get vaccinated. HEALTH FIRST Medical, safety communities ramp up response as coronavirus cases rise On June 19,...

Struggling to survive

Struggling to survive Turkey buzzards scavenge carcasses of dead manatees in the Indian River Lagoon. Many of them are starving to death because of the lack of seagrass. PHIL STASIK Manatees starving to death in unprecedented numbers This year has...

From the Editor

Best of the Space Coast 2025

Every year, we turn to the Space Coast community to vote for their favorite businesses to be named the Best of the Space Coast. We are happy to feature the winners who earned the “Best” in their categories.


Way to go!

Pet paradise

Robert Lattig | Jhany Alvarado

With over 30 years of combined experience, Robert Lattig, Senior Vice President, and Jhany Alvarado, CFP®, Senior Financial Advisor, are dedicated to delivering personalized financial solutions that empower individuals, families, and businesses to achieve their goals.