When it comes to getting the perfect present for the college grad in your life, while cold hard cash is almost always appreciated, sometimes it can seem, well, a little cold.  They might appreciate any of these gifts suggested by consumer savings expert Andrea Woroch.

Resume’ Service

In today’s competitive job market, a professional resume’ and cover letter can mean the difference between looking for a job and getting the job. Costs generally range from $100-$200.  Check out ResumeMyCareer.com or best10resumewriters.com

Local companies that can help include:

  • Write Now Editing

(321) 752-4023 or www.writenowediting.net

  • BC Computer Application

(321) 392-3348

  • Career Avenues by Judy

(321) 953-8361 or www.careeravenuesbyjudy.com


Home Furnishings

It’s time to say goodbye to the cinder block bookshelves. Grads getting ready to move into a new place might appreciate the opportunity to upgrade. IKEA has some very cool items and reasonable prices. See for yourself at their fabulously fun store in Orlando, or visit www.ikea.com

Gift Cards

Paying off those college loans can really take a bite out of the graduate’s post-collegiate checkbook, so money in the form of gift cards will always be welcome. Grads uncomfortable asking for money can create a gift card registry at cardavenue.com, making it easy for the gift giver.

Job Interview Clothing

Suits may not be necessary, unless the grad is interviewing in a large city or applying for a management position.

Men should have:

Dress Shirt

Pants and Nice Shoes

Matching Tie

Sport Coat


Women should have

Conservative Shirt and Blouse


Conservative Dress

A coordinated jacket

Classic pumps

Foreign Language Lessons

In this competitive job environment, anything a grad can do to improve his or her skills and make themselves more marketable to potential employers should be appreciated. Consider gifting Spanish (and many other language) lessons through Rosetta Stone (www.rosettastone.com).

Or consider a GMAT review course for help towards MBA school admission, or an MCAT review course if medical school is in their future.


A soft-sided briefcase with room for a laptop and resume’ binder will give the job-seeking graduate a sophisticated, polished appearance.


Electronics Upgrade

Chances are they already have a smartphone, computers and possibly even a tablet, but gift giving provides the opportunity for serious upgrading. Check out Apple’s new iPAD 3.  The newest smartphones include the Apple iPhone4S, Motorola’s Atrix, the HTC Thunderbolt, Samsung’s Infuse 4G and the T-Mobile G2x.